
Monday, 18 January 2016

A N X I E T Y; G I R L

A is for ... ANXIETY.

Anxiety and depression is becoming a bit of "thing" now, everyone seems to have it. Even the cat has it. I don't have cat. But the cat, does have it. To a few, it's a big deal, to the majority, well let's just say I can feel the judgment all the way from my keyboard. And well, I have some kind hand gestures for you. That, or it's the paranoia talking ... So many times, you are just told to, get on with it, pull your socks up etc.

That's the problem. You get on, but, a BIG but ... There comes a point when pulling your socks up just hides that nasty leg hair you've been avoiding to shave off for months and months. And guuuurrllll, I cannot differentiate where your bikini line starts and ends.

It's a jungle down there.

This may give you a clue as to why I have stopped blogging.

I ran out of things to write about, wasn't sure where to take my writing and art blogging just got dam boring. I couldn't be bothered and going to the gym was so much more fun. And I couldn't be bothered.

There can be a lot of skeptism on this subject. Especially those who have little information on it ...  and those who feel like, yeah I don't need help. This is stupid. I can do this on my own.

I'll be the first to raise my hand and pledge guilty to the jury on that one. Yeah, I have been watching way too much of Making a Murderer. Did he do it ?! Did he ?!

I was raised to keep going, heck my mother is back at the gym a year on from being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Now if that isn't carrying on I don't know what is.
We are a stubborn determined bunch mind ...
Thanks mum.

I can understand why, really understand why so many are speaking up now.

It isn't stupid. In fact, after getting some b*******  to ring my doctors and get an appointment the first thing I said to her was,

"I feel stupid. I feel like I'm wasting your time."

Then the doctor laughed and said yeah you crazy b****, I'm just playing.

I jest.

I want to help people who are going through this.

The only way to describe it is, you are trapped in a prison that is your own mind with no escape and I am not a fan of drugs or alcohol. Just addicted to the gym and Netflix binges.

It frustrates you, makes you lash out and get angry. It's tough. It's tiring. Once you get on that merry go round, it's hard to hop off.

Anxiety comes in different forms, mine is worry. Yes we all have worries, but some can consume you to the point of ruining your everyday life and relationships. Go on, have a guess at what mine ruins ... And I ain't talking the sexy relationships too. Friendships take a good beating sometimes and it sends you cray cray.

It takes just one thought, one feeling, one behaviour and poof, your off !  Before you know it, your crying uncontrollably going, well, how the F*** did that happen.

The point of this post is, it's not stupid. If your reading this and your having fun on that roundabout and you just don't know how to get off. Chances are, you aren't ready yet. The time will come, when you know and you feel it's time to go and seek help.

It's scary as hell. Like, terrifying. But the chances are you are already in a place of safety and support. That's key. Safety and support. You will need that.

If your reading this and are on the same journey as me, I'd like to hear your tips and tricks. Cause, you can never have enough tools in your toolbox. Yeah, I just quoted my councilor and I am not even ashamed.

Ta ta for now !


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