
Sunday, 27 July 2014

Summer lovin soundtracks !

One thing that always gets me giddy is some good ol tunes. And boy, I have a right old summer treat. I used to blog weekly about my music loves in my last blog, so, I thought, why not continue with the tradition ? And seeing as I haven't posted in a while, why not do what I do best ? My absence has not been all fun and frolics. Horrific sickness bugs, twice in two weeks might I add !!! have done nothing but recover my poor food intolerant tummy, worked, watched many a TV series and listened to music. Eating healthy out the window, well eating in general hasn't been the top of my list. Exercising, none of that too. And beauty, well, it aint been a pretty site I can tell ye that now. So music will have to do.

Bombay Bicycle Club have always had a place in my heart. Easy listening and a perfect summer evening accompaniment. Especially when one walks to see the sights in Plymouth, I mean, quite literally. Walking up to the Hoe on a Saturday evening, with Bombay blaring, tons of people half drunk, it was quite a contrast. But a beautiful one.

One of my favourite songs has to be Luna. I can already say it will be making my "RUN FASTER YOU FAT COW" running playlist. It's one of those songs, ya know, that just make you wanna.

This album has it all. No, I mean quite literally. Genres and Cultures it is a treat for the teets. With that ever gut grabbing electronic vibe. And even better, it's only bloomin £4.99 on iTunes. Bloomin bargain !

So long, see you tomorrow !

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